Author: kazu

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    Episode 4 As explained in [Characteristics of our Firm], intellectual property rights are protected by various laws.Among these, copyright is such that “the enjoyment and exercise of the right does not require any form of performance” (Article 5, Paragraph 2 of the Berne Convention). Japan is a member of the Berne Union, and “if there…

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    Episode 3 In Japan, after filing a patent application (Article 36 of the Patent Act) and requesting examination (Article 48-2 to 4 of the same Act), the rate of registration being granted at the first notification (the rate of registration being achieved immediately without notification of reasons for refusal) is 14.3% (January to December 2022)…

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    Episode 2 Continuing from the first episode, I will write about how to tell the difference between a good and bad patent firm based on its website. Even if you create a website, there is no point in leaving it as is, and it will only have negative effects. A website is a place for…

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    Episode 1 Once you start your own practice as a patent attorney and start doing everything yourself, you will be able to see the imperfections of other patent firms more clearly. Therefore, we will write down the real image of a patent office that can be seen through the website. Website domains include “.com”, “.jp”,…