Author: kazu

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    Episode 9 In recent years, the number of trademark registration applications has been on the rise, with approximately 60% of applications being filed by individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises. However, the number of unregistered cases after registration assessment is also increasing. Furthermore, approximately 80% of claims are successful in non-use cancellation trials (Article 50…

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    Episode 8 Continuing from episode 7, we will explain the descriptions in patent specifications. When preparing a patent specification, a patent attorney or patent engineer may add new information to the proposal prepared by the inventor, pretending to know the information. Case 2 (Maxacalcitol case) in “Regarding the technical scope of patented inventions and their…

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    Episode 7 When preparing a patent specification, whether or not “effects of the invention” should be described. If so, should it be written in the [effects of the invention] column or in the “mode for carrying out the invention” column? There are lawyers and patent attorneys who are debating whether it should be done(  However,…

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    Episode 6 In Japan, the number of intellectual property lawsuits, including patent infringement lawsuits, is extremely low compared to other countries, and the success rate of patent holders in patent infringement lawsuits is lower than in other countries ( Due to this, a phenomenon called “Japan Passing” is occurring. This means that the number of…

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    Episode 5 Continuing from Episode 4, we will explain the protection of intellectual property rights under various laws. Software (computer program) algorithms are protected by patent law, and algorithms are represented in flowcharts. When exercising rights regarding a program invention, the invention must be compared with the subject invention according to the flowchart, and the…